James M. Helms

Lost in Yonkers is often the overlooked Neil Simon play, despite its numerous awards (Pulitzer and a Tony). The play takes place in the midst of World War II, and the Kurnitz household is a microcosm of that environment.

This production was entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) in March of 2004. Below is an excerpt from the response by the adjudicator about my lighting:

"It is a true compliment to James M. Helms' lighting design to say cues did not intrude, distract or pull attention from the action. Gel selection and levels functioned exceptionally well to contribute a jaundiced fevered quality to dramatic scenes, made possible the realization of the portrait quality of the final moment, and popped out the flowers in the wallpaper. Subtle changes provided a nuanced sense of the passage of time from morning, to afternoons and evenings."